According to ophthalmologists, Glaucoma can only be stopped and not improved, however we disagree. When treating Glaucoma, we need an improvement of the vision within 14 days of treatment.
Even though written in simple terms, this article provides a thorough review of the treatment options of Glaucoma. It’s written for the relatives of Glaucoma patients and the patients themselves.
The article answers the questions:
What is Glaucoma?
What causes Glaucoma?
How we at Boel Acupuncture often can improve the vision with modern acupuncture. You can also watch a short video, in which a Boel Acupuncture patient tells, how he has been helped with Glaucoma.
How can the opthalmologists help?
What can you do yourself, if you have Glaucoma? Do vitamins, exercise etc. help?
When you’ve read the article, you’re welcome to contact us regarding questions, booking of treatment or any possible feedback.
What is Glaucoma?
Usually, Glaucoma is characterized by the loss of vision in the far end of your field of view. You get binocular vision, meaning you lose your peripheral vision, almost as if you’re looking through the hole of a paper towel.
Glaucoma is a very serious eye condition, since it usually leads to total blindness if left untreated. In Denmark almost 40.000 have been diagnosed by ophthalmologists, and it’s estimated that approx. 70.000 suffer from Glaucoma. It comes in several forms. Common for them is, that the nerve fibers in the optic nerve takes damage and eventually dies (the optic nerve sends images from the eye to the brain).
What causes Glaucoma?
It is often caused by too much pressure – too much aqueous humor – in the eye. The aqueous humor is a nutritious fluid, that leads nutrients to the lens in the eye. See the illustration below. But other diseases can also result in Glaucoma. The ophthalmologists are usually good a examining this.
How does Glaucoma ruin the vision?
When pressure in the eye becomes too much, the nerve cells in the optic nerve gradually deteriorate. First, they can’t send signals to the brain, and finally they die. This result in the slow loss of peripheral vision and ultimately blindness.
Can acupuncture help with Glaucoma?
The modern AcuNova acupuncture has shown astonishing results. According to research by the Italian ophthalmologist Valeria Vannucci, blood circulation through the optic nerve is improved. Afterwards it looks like the damages in the visual cells regenerate, if they aren’t dead. Below, you can watch a short video, where a Boel Acupuncture patient with Glaucoma tells, how AcuNova acupuncture helped his vision.
How do ophthalmologists treat Glaucoma?
The ophthalmologists can’t improve your vision, if it’s already deteriorated. But they can decrease the pressure, so your vision worsens at a slower rate or stops deteriorating completely.
If the eyedrops do not work, you can also get pills or, in acute cases of Glaucoma, laser surgery. In the cases, where nothing else helps, you can get surgery, but it doesn’t improve your vision. It is just an attempt to preserve the vision, that’s left.
What can you do yourself, when you have Glaucoma?
First, you need to treat the pressure, so the visual damages don’t worsen.
At the same time, if my vision had been damaged, I would contact Boel Acupuncture and book an appointment.
Also, several vitamins and supplements have given results in Glaucoma in various scientific experiments. They include vitamin C, fish oils, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin B1, vitamin B12, magnesium, Ginkgo Biloba and others.
In addition, an experiment has shown, that during 3 months of daily exercise you can reduce the pressure in your eyes by 20%. However, you must continue with the exercise or the pressure goes up again.
For people with too high pressure in the eyes, it’s a good idea not to wear tight-fitting tie, as trials suggest that 2 out of 3 people get higher pressure in the eyes while wearing a tight tie.