Retinitis Pigmentosa can be treated to improve vision
Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) or tunnelvision as it is often called is a group of genetic diseases in the retina of the eye which sometimes
also affects other parts of the body.
Untill 1988 it was broadly belived that people suffering from Retinitis Pigmentosa lost their vision due to the death of the retina and therefore
no treatment was possible. But since my father, John Boel senior, successfully treated a young boy from Norway with acupuncture
and increased his vision from 2 degrees to 50 degrees more research was done and today ophthamologists know that Retinitis Pigmentosa
patients lose the ability to see much earlier than the cells of the retina die.
This is a very importent discovery since it opens the door to finding a cure for Retinitis Pigmentosa.
We have not yet been able to cure Retinitis Pigmentosa but in most cases we are able to improve the eyesight and stabilize
that improvement so as to maintain the improvement.
Agustin who is suffering from Retinitis Pigmentosa tells in this short video how 2 weeks of treatments at Boel Acupuncture in Denmark improved his vision from 16% to 32%
Here is the story about the first person in the world with tunnel vision, who has had an improvement of sight. The article is from VG, which is the biggest newspaper in Norway.
“Verdens Gang” (VG), Norway wrote:
– Sigmund Moen (42) had resigned to a life in darkness. However, when he met the danish acupuncturist , his luck changed. Slowly, the blind man from Trysil (Norway) regained his sight. – I can hardly believe it. Alle the doctors, I consulted, gave me the same message. I would stay blind for the remainder of my life.
Sigmund Moen suffers from Retinitis Pigmentosa also known as tunnel vision. The disease shows itself by the way, the field of vision slowly decreases, it is like looking through the wrong end of a pair of binoculars. The disease results in complete blindness and is considered by medical science to be incurable.
Sigmund Moen: John has given me my life back. I am very gratefull toward him. The joy of seeing again is indiscribable. Now, I can walk around in the nature again with no fear of running into a tree or falling over a mount.The spark of life is back, thanks to a few needles.
JB: It has been twelve years, since we treated Sigmund the first time. When he turned 50, his daughter, Anita Moen, who is one of the worlds best skiers, invited Bodil and me to his birthday as a birthdaypresent to her father.
It was an unforgettable event. It is also nice to greet the Moen family once or twice a year, when Sigmund comes for his follow up treatment. We can not cure Retinitis Pigmentosa, but in most cases, we can improve sight 10-15%, and after this keep this improvement stable.
“Dagbladet” wrote:
– When the 41-yearold grocer Lars from Norway last sunday took lodgings at Aulum Hotel, he could not see the stairs and had to be helped walking up and down. After eight treatments during four days by John Boel, he is able to manage the stairs without any problems. Lars is suffering from the incurable eye disease Ritinitis Pigmentosa, also known as tunnel vision.
His sight had gradually decreased, until everything was now a fog in front of his eyes. When he arrived to Aulum last sunday, he was not even able to see his own hand, when he held it up in front of his eyes.
– Allready after eight treatments with John Boel, I feal a big difference. I feal, that I can see clearly and have become more able to register contrasts in light, says Lars to Dagbladet. He has no doubts, that acupuncturist John Boel can improve his sight. Something, that all the leading eye clinics have not been able to do, as medical science considers Ritinitis Pigmentosa hereditary and incurable.
– I have been to the leading eye clinics in both Norway and Sweeden, and I was admitted to the Special Hospital Bergmann and Gyndt in Boston, USA, where they have been doing research into tunnel vision for more than 30 years. None of these have been able to do anything about it. John Boel has proven, that he can do it, says Lars.
– It is not expensive compared to what, I have gained from the treatments. I can say that allready, and if it becomes even better, then I am immensely pleased, says the happy norwegian.
“De Bergske Blade” wrote:
Eye specialists in Norway no longer rejects, that treatment with acucpuncture can help against the feared eye disease tunnel vision, that up till now has been considered incurable. That the norwegian eye specialists are now changing their attitude is due to a 14-yearold norwegian boy, Klaus Kristiansen, who was allmost completely blind and seemed to be condemned to a life in darkness, when he during the summer started getting treatments by acupuncturist John Boel in Aulum.
Now, Klaus has regained his sight, thrown out his braille-books and is now capable of reading ordinary books.
Sensational measurements at the Regional hospital in Trondheim shows, that Klaus is now able to see 20 times better than before. When he in june started getting treatments by John Boel, he was completely blind on one eye, and the other had less than 2 degrees sight left (out of 180).
Since then, his sight has constantly improved, and he is now able to see about 50 degrees on both eyes.
As a sixyearold, Claus was diagnosed with tunnelvision, which gradually decreases the field of vision and ends up with blindness. In 1985, he became blind on one eye, and in 1988, the vision of the other eye was so poor, that it was hardly measurable.
Last summer, Klaus was treated by John Boel. He still goes to get acupuncture every 14 days by a local acupuncturist, who has been to Aulum to learn the method.
Dramatic and surprising
Eye specialist Thor Brevik, who had tested the boys sight with the hospitals state of the art equipment in Trondheim says to “Århus Stifttidende” (A danish newspaper), that he has never seen anything like it before. It is a dramatic and surprising improvement. We should have some controlled examinations, says Thor Brevik to “Århus Stifttidende”.
Sensing the presence of history
John Boel says to “Dagbladet”, that he senses the presence of history over the comment from the norwegian doctor.
No matter if at some point, Klaus would get a setback, the examinations done at the hospital of Trondheim contradicts the up till now widespread assumption, that the retina is dead. They show, that it in some cases is possible to alleviate tunnel vision, and that is a epoch-making ascertainment when it comes to a disease, that has been considered incurable.
I can only go along with the norwegian eye specialists wish to controll the examinations.
I have repeatedly suggested a cooperation with danish doctors, but that has up till now been rejected.
More about Klaus and his disease
JB: Klaus is now 23 years old and studies law at the university of Bergen. His field of vision is still about 50 degrees.
It is allways a joy to say hello to the Kristiansen family, who every year spends 3 weeks of vacation in Denmark.
The diagnosis Retinitis Pigmentosa (tunnel vision) still stands, although he has been examined by seven different eye specialists, who could not understand, that it was possible!
New research done by the universitys eye clinic Graz, Austria, showed an average improvement of 7,4 degrees after treatment with acupuncture of seven patients with eye acupuncture.
The research also showed, that there was a larger bloodflow through the artery of the eye.