Daniela from Austria
Daniela is the only person in the world, suffering from this disease, who has regained her sight.
“Dagbladet” wrote:
Daniella (30) from Austria is the greatest miracle, that I have had, says the acupuncturist, who otherwise believes, that he has experienced a bit of everything.
I have had good results with eye patients, and I have several times improved the vision of people, who have been completely blind. But it has allways been people, who used to be able to see, but who were suffering from an eye disease.
Daniella is actually not born blind, but she is born prematurely and became blind, because she got to much oxygen in the incubator. The doctors have told her, that the optical nerve is dead, but as we can ascertain, that is not the case.
When she came, both eyes were grey-white, and you could not see the pupils. Now, you can clearly see the pupil of the right eye, and there is a steady progress, also with the left one.
John Boel is also surprised by the result. To a detached spectator, it can be difficult to understand Daniellas enthusiasm, when she tells, that on her walk, she can get a faint glimpse of some trees, when she looks up.
It is also difficult to get impressed by the fact, that she can just glimpse the hand, that you put in front of her face. But when you observe the happiness radiating from both Daniella and her mother, it can not but impress you.
Allthough it is only a little, that she can see, it is a whole new world opening up for the austrian woman. She is enthusiastic as a little child, when she can catch a glimpse of something, and she absolutely has to touch everything, that she can see, even if it is just a wall or a pane of glass. I just have to “see”, what it is, that I can see, as Daniella puts it. Because the things do not look the same as she envisioned it inside her mind.
What follows is a translation of a letter from Daniela. She has been completely blind since birth, 30 years ago. She was born prematurely and became blind from the oxygen in the incubator.
You could not see her pupils, as they were covered by a grey/white membrane.
Daniela Ostermann
A-7111 Parndorf
Dear Bodil and John.
Next sunday it has been 7 weeks, since we were in Aulum. How time flies, I can hardly believe it. John, I have the pleasure to be able to tell you, that my eyes are much better, and I am convinced, that this new method of treatment is fantastic, as my left eye is getting better and better.
When I get home from Aulum, I allways discover new things in the house and at work. Every time, I have to wonder; have these things been here all the time? When I came home, I noticed the back of the sofa, the big mirror in the bathroom, and when my mother cleaned the kitchen, I watched it being done for the first time. When we were out shopping, I saw the basket full of fresh apples, and later the faucet in the kitchen.
A few weeks ago, a colleague at work had a birthday, and we were congratulating him. In another room was a poster, that I pointed to and told my colleagues about. When I am at work, I can tell, what they are holding in their hands. They do not believe their own eyes.
I catch a cab home from work with Karl. One day I told him, that I could see his cheek. At first, he became quiet – and afterwards, he laughed.
John, I can not begin to describe, how happy I am to be able to see more and more at a close range. I had a good experience in front of the television, where I could see something moving. My mother told me, that it was young people playing football. It was very exiting, but it only lasted a few momebnts. Last week I think, that it lasted longer, and later, it lasted for 30 seconds.
I do not have to be close to things anymore, in order to see them.
It is indescribable, how successfull only 16 treatments have been for me, and it goes to show, how successfull, you are. It is a pity, that the eye specialists only believe their own methods of treatment. When I went to see my eye specialist Dr. Valenter, he could hardly believe his own eyes.
The things, that I see, have become much clearer than they were in june. At that time, I could see 2-3 fingers, but allready few weeks later, I could see 4-5 fingers. Mother and I could not believe, that this was real. It gives me more strength and hope; that is the reason, why we believe so much in your work. I will never forget the moment after the first three treatments, when you told me, that you could see my pupil. From that moment on, I knew, that it would improve for every time.
I do not want to show off, but with the results of me and Herbert, we are a really good example, that acupuncture can turn something bad into success. (Herbert is a german, who became completely blind after a poisoning with medicine. He now sees so good, that he is able to walk alone on the street).
Give my love to the team.
Your friend for ever